Lan-Dar-ah and Nademus
Channeled through Brenda Hill

Who is Lan-Dar-ah?
Lan-Dar-ah is the name of a group of six Arcturian energies who recently began offering energy alignments/attunements through Brenda Hill. Lan-Dar-ah’s purpose is “to assist you with your accelerated movement toward your ascension and to ease the passage and ‘shorten’ the time span of your journey.”

What does Lan-Dar-ah do?
Lan-Dar-ah says, “It is not healing that we are actually doing, although healing is often the result. One resolutely cannot actually heal another, however, one may trigger the movement of stagnancy of energy and stimulate ‘interest’ in the alignment to the Divine Blueprint of life extension, which effectively resolves the issue retarding total health and alignment.”

Who Is Nademus?
Nademus is the Ascended Master and Master Teacher who channels through Brenda Hill. Through agreement, Nademus and Brenda join together in the physical to present an unconditionally loving approach to remembering who we are. Visit the Nademus Prism Path News and Events page for a schedule of "An Evening With Nademus" small group gatherings every other Saturday night.

A one hour private session with Nademus is $100 and is recorded.

Who I Am Is Love – An All-Day Workshop
Featuring Lan-Dar-ah and Nademus
See Prism Path for available dates

The Ascended master, Nademus as channeled through Brenda Hill, will begin the morning with a presentation specifically directed to the energy essence of the whole group. His theme always surrounds love and our recognition of who we are. Nademus will expand upon the concept of Love and how we are all joined within Love, then assist us experientially to achieve that awareness. We are joyously and lovingly guided through a process of embracing the Love we are and through the release of who we are not. And we have fun doing it

"This workshop helped me to uncover my heart and move fully into the truth of who I am. Love!"

"This workshop and the beings channeled through Brenda exemplify unconditional Love, and leave one feeling connected to Source and supported by community!"

"I loved doing this workshop and I feel deeply expanded as a person and as a spiritual being."

How To Register
1) Call Brenda and Jack at Prism Path toll free: 866-374-0243 or locally: 608-625-4255.
2) Email Brenda and Jack
To Learn more about Lan-Dar-ah and Nademus and Prism Path visit: